I offer therapy/psychotherapy support to individuals for a wide range of issues.
Self Esteem
Adolescent Issues
GLBT+ related issues
Family of Origin Issues
Relationship Disappointment
Loss of hope and on-going unhappiness
Life/Career Transitions
Grief and Loss
Covid-19 related issues
The Daring Way™
I’m a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF) and Approved Consultant. The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was developed to help men, women, and adolescents learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead. It can be facilitated in clinical, educational, and professional settings and is suitable for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams, and organizational leaders.
EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing:
EMDR is a powerful and effective treatment modality that is helpful in treating people that suffer for trauma, anxiety, disturbing memories, and various other emotional problems. The technique was created in the late 80’s and there is a multitude of research that supports its effectiveness.
As stated in the FAQ section of www.emdr.com: During EMDR the client attends to emotionally disturbing material in brief sequential doses while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. Therapist directed lateral eye movements are the most commonly used external stimulus but a variety of other stimuli including hand-tapping and audio stimulation are often used (Shapiro, 1991). Shapiro (1995) hypothesizes that EMDR facilitates the accessing of the traumatic memory network, so that information processing is enhanced, with new associations forged between the traumatic memory and more adaptive memories or information. These new associations are thought to result in complete information processing, new learning, elimination of emotional distress, and development of cognitive insights. EMDR uses the three pronged protocol: (1) the past events that have laid the groundwork for dysfunction are processed, forging new associative links with adaptive information; (2) the current circumstances that elicit distress are targeted, and internal and external triggers are desensitized; (3) imaginal templates of future events are incorporated, to assist the client in acquiring the skills needed for adaptive functioning.